
영어로 술술~ 구구단을 외자!
수학 학습지의 대표! 기탄교육이 글로벌 버전으로 새롭게 준비한
<영어 구구단송>!
영어로 구구단을 외우고, 1~100까지 영어숫자를 Song과 Chant로 익혀
습관처럼 입에 붙는 생활 속 영어실력에 도움이 되는 영어구구단송!
우리말 구구단/19단에 익숙한 자녀라면 쉬운 멜로디와 챈트의
영어구구단을 신나게 외울 수 있도록 신청하고 들려주세요~

6단 Song과 Chant의 가사입니다. (Six times tables)

I learn the times tables.
I do the six times tables slowly, slowly.
6x1=6, 6x2=12, 6x3=18, 6x4=24, 6x5=30,
6x6=36, 6x7=42, 6x8=48, 6x9=54, 6x10=60
Times tables are tough.
Practice makes them easy.
6x1=6, 6x2=12, 6x3=18, 6x4=24, 6x5=30,
6x6=36, 6x7=42, 6x8=48, 6x9=54, 6x10=60

6 times 1 equals? Six. Six one six.
6 times 2 equals? Twelve. Six two twelve.
6 times 3 equals? Eighteen. Six three eighteen.
6 times 4 equals? Twenty four. Six four twenty four.
6 times 5 equals? Thirty. Six five thirty.
6 times 6 equals? Thirty six. Six six thirty six.
6 times 7 equals? Forty two. Six seven forty two.
6 times 8 equals? Forty eight. Six eight forty eight.
6 times 9 equals? Fifty four. Six nine fifty four.
6 times 10 equals? Sixty. Six ten sixty.

7단 Song과 Chant의 가사입니다. (Seven times tables)

I learn the times tables.
I do the seven times tables slowly, slowly.
7x1=7, 7x2=14, 7x3=21, 7x4=28, 7x5=35,
7x6=42, 7x7=49, 7x8=56, 7x9=63, 7x10=70
Times tables are tough.
Practice makes them easy.
7x1=7, 7x2=14, 7x3=21, 7x4=28, 7x5=35,
7x6=42, 7x7=49, 7x8=56, 7x9=63, 7x10=70

7 times 1 equals? Seven. Seven one seven.
7 times 2 equals? Fourteen. Seven two fourteen.
7 times 3 equals? Twenty one. Seven three twenty one.
7 times 4 equals? Twenty eight. Seven four twenty eight.
7 times 5 equals? Thirty five. Seven five thirty five.
7 times 6 equals? Forty two. Seven six forty two.
7 times 7 equals? Forty nine. Seven seven forty nine.
7 times 8 equals? Fifty six. Seven eight fifty six.
7 times 9 equals? Sixty three. Seven nine sixty three.
7 times 10 equals? Seventy. Seven ten seventy.

'휴식...' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Posted by 길동이